Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4R FUTSAL - International Standard Futsal Hard Court

Yes, for 14 july 2009, there is a Futsal court that is international standard for Futsal Turnament on Yogyakarta. This Futsal court has 38 x 18 m and that is minimal requirement for international standard for FIFA tournament.
It still promo price, here are the brochure :


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Boikot For Chinese Products!!! - Save Uighur people


Boikot is NOT TO USE/EAT and NOT TO BUY for some product that made from spesific country, like china.

Why we doing that ?
Muslim uighur that live in china have the tragetic moment that has did by chinese goverment. They cannt pray for their religion. They capture some muslim Uighur and kill some of them. We will make them know about the price of human live!! if they kill one of muslim in the world, they must face all of muslim in the world

ISLAM respect Human Live
My religion respect with human live, they have right to live peacefully, killing them its mean you kill yourself.

And now, i will NOT TO USE/EAT and NOT TO BUY the chinese product!!! observed the origin of your products and make sure it is not Chinese product. 

see the news :
tiongkok baru blog 
era baru.or.id 
pikiran rakyat 
Media Indonesia


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

UFD Kingston DT-G2 4GB - Alnect Komputer

Bingungnya ketika mau membackup file-file penting di Komputerku, pengen cara yang praktis gak repot dan mudah dibawa kemana-mana, tentu saja solusi yang paling tepat adalah membeli sebuah Flash Disk. Sempet muter-muter keliling Djogjakarta, gak nemu  Flash Disk yang berukuran 4 GB dan harganya murah meriah, he he he he maklum jiwa mahasiswa masih ada. Di beberapa toko, banyak yang menjual flash disk sebesar 4 GB sekitar 110rb - 150 rb, tetapi dengan harga promo di Alnect Komputer, aq bisa mendapatkan cukup dengan seharga 99rb saja.. murahnya...
Akhirnya kutemukan sebuah flash disk di sebuah toko yang bernama Alnect Komputer, toko ini memang cukup terkenal di daerah Yogyakarta. Selain harganya yang miring, kehadiran toko ini di ajang pameran komputer memang menjadi salah satu target utama pengunjung-pengunjung pameran.
Dibandingkan produk UFD Kingston yang lain, UFD Kingston DT-G2 ni tak kalah dengan produk2 lain, tidak terasa gitu lho jika kamu memakainya di usb 2.0
Sob, Alnect Komputer ternyata juga membuka sebuah kontes yang berhadiah sebuah Laptop!!! buruan daftarin dirimu di gambar bawah ini... cuman sampai tanggal 31 Juli 2009 buat daftar!

Alnect computer Blog Contest


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Circumcision in Gunung Kidul

Tadi pagi penulis sempat mengikuti acara sunat massal di daerah gunung kidul, yang menyelenggarkan adalah pkpu. Penulis menjadi asisten sedangkan teman penulis,arif berlaku sebagai operator kemudian kami bergantian, kami mendapat dua pasien cukup untuk dibagi dua. Sedangkan dokter-dokter yang lain rata-rata mendapat 3-4 pasien. Maklum, kemampuan kami belum terasah dengan baik, semoga dengan sering mengikuti acara ini, skill sebagai dokter spesialis menyunat dapat meningkat.

Setelah acara sunatan, kami teruskan perjalanan ke jalan ke arah pantai parangtritis, kata sang sopir, jalan ini termasuk baru dibuat, terbukti ketika pertengahan jalan, ada jalan yang belum diaspal dan dipenuhi dengan batu-batuan yang terjal.

Baru tidur di mobil bagian belakang.. tuh belakang jalan2 masih belum jadi kan...

Masih belum jadi jalan2nya...
Wah, gak foto-foto pas lewat pantai Parangtritis, kelupaan kebanyakan ngobrol... wes besok posting bahasa inggris lagi aah...


Saturday, June 27, 2009

H1N1 Pandemic Why Worried?

Swine, why you so poor to be lived, human use your name for the bad thing, In Indonesia, swine usually use for dirty word/revile, and now, your disease is a horor for everyone. I dont know, why people still eat u he he he he...

According to RSPI (Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi) on 26 june 2009, they have 6 patient that suspect from H1N1 infection, 13 other patient have been negative. So totally 19 patient reported from RSPI. All of them is a citizen that have go abord to other country. So i think its safe for us if we dont go to other country for this time, after this pandemic is done.

The symptom of H1N1 is like other symptom of influenza, such as :

  • fever (> 37,2 C)
  • cough
  • headache
  • aching joint
  • nasal congestion
  • general fatigue
Suspect to H1N1 if you got that sign after less than 24 hours from traveling and for real diagnosis, physician will take your faring/nasal swab for the detection after 24-72 hours from symptom appear.

So if u not a traveler, u just fine2 wae in your home, and dont have part of your family from other country or traveling from there, u dont need to worry.
Prevntion is important, just wash your hand, stay apartl with people who get influenza, if u get influenza please use a mask, its cheap! trust me!


Oh my Djogja

Do you ever see that sign?, yes, it's only on my regional state, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Its very special cause you know from the name "Istimewa" he he he he

If we talk about translater, which one that english translate express "kiri" word? and which one that translate "lampu"?

The translate should be like this :
Ke Kiri Ikuti Lampu (Indonesian) - No Turn Left, Follow The Traffic Light (English) - menggok ngiwo manut lampu (Java)
No Turn On Red (English) - Tak ada belok ketika merah (Indonesian) - abang mboten pareng menggok (Java)

Maybe replace that words with picture, such like left arrow and traffic light more acceptable than that words...

Its real!? u dont trust me? go to Djogjakarta/Yogyakarta in Indonesia, a lot of fun and a nice town with the smile people here


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello, Hajimemashite, Welcome, Selamat Datang

Hai blogger, i am a fresh graduate medical doctor. This time i am waiting for my graduate ceremony in Gadjah Mada Uniiversity. My graduate ceremony on monday, 6 july 2009.

So for this free time, i would like to make a blog that express my professional experience,  otherwise, i want to learn to wirte in english.

I have a lot of plan, after the graduation. I wanna be a Pegawai Tidak Tetap(PTT), its kind of goverment employment for a doctor to work in village or you can say in jungle , maybe i will get a lot of experience at there to be a professional doctor.

In Indonesia, medical doctors work at emergency room, 24 hours clinic, private clinic, family doctor, a medical educator for the society, office doctor, and etc.

So thats for first introduction, i will write in my blog about my life, my computer, my jobs, maybe a little news around health and behaviour. So thank for your attention..


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